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JSON Generator for Articles, News Articles, Tech Articles, Blog Posts, etc.

JSON Generator for Articles

The V1 SEO JSON-LD article markup generator helps you create valid JSON-LD markup for Articles, News Articles, Tech Articles, Blog Posts, etc.

Simply complete the form below to create your JSON-LD Article Markup and copy n paste it within your own article.

Type of Article:

Headline of Article (110 characters maximum):

Description of Article:

URL Where Article Posted:

URL of Main image used in article (minimum width 696px):

Height of image:

Width of image:

Date article publshed (yyyy-mm-dd):

Date article modified (yyyy-mm-dd):

Author of Article:

Publisher of Article:

URL of Publishers Logo:
(Logos should be no wider than 600px, and no taller than 60px.)

Height of Logo:

Width of Logo:

Retain the original aspect ratio of the logo when resizing. Ideally, logos are exactly 60px tall with width no greater than 600px. If maintaining a height of 60px would cause the width to exceed 600px, downscale the logo to exactly 60px high and reduce the width accordingly below 600px to maintain the original aspect ratio.

This tool provides the basic semantic markup required for articles, to find out more visit Enabling Rich Snippets for Articles at Google Developers.

Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions.

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