Google Authorship Test

This is a test using the Google+ Badge for publisher, an author tag for an article provided by the organisation.

A Press Release written on behalf of the organisation.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dictum dolor scelerisque magna interdum venenatis. Quisque est orci, porttitor sed placerat eu, pellentesque quis sem. Proin lacinia fringilla pellentesque. Curabitur vel sapien sed velit rhoncus pharetra eu et elit. Proin eu justo lorem, ut facilisis felis. Curabitur pellentesque urna ut ipsum adipiscing aliquam. Mauris velit ligula, malesuada quis commodo scelerisque, pretium vel elit. Ut rhoncus est nisl, eu vehicula arcu.
Press release supplied by

This test goes against current thinking by using an author tag for an organisation rather than an individual, but from an organisations point of view it returns the best result.

Note: this could have been published on a different website which would make the Publisher different to the Author.

Some people will argue an organisation can not be an Author, but if the the Guardian publishes a statement from the British Government who is the author of the statement? A civil servant, David Cameron or the Government?

Will Google ever display this result in the search results page? - Who knows, but this test page will be left live to monitor things.

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